Sunday, November 20, 2005
痰つぼ婆 tantsubo_babaa
痰つぼ婆 (tantsubo_babaa)=Old woman who likes jars that phlegm enters,japan
Urban legend 20 previous in year or more. There was an old woman who collected "Container that was spit out and put" set up at the station. She drank it up according to the witness.
座敷わらし zashiki_warashi
泥田坊 dorotabou
電柱の上に立つ女 Woman who stands on utility pole
Thursday, November 17, 2005
牛女 Ushionna
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
アスワン aswang
アスワン aswang(=vampire woman),phillipine
The rumor concerning this vampire is confused (As well as other rumors). Apparition legend of Southeast Asia" is what mostly a lot of rumors and the legends mixed it. The case of it that cannot be fixed to a specific appearance is extremely abundant. The most general appearance of aswang is the folk tale one. In a word,It is "fanciful",and ugly. One woman's upper-body separates at night, it floats, and the child and the pregnant woman are attacked. Aswang indoors hangs a long tongue down from the roof, and breathes in the blood of the sleeping victim. Aswang can go in and out also in a small window because it is small(only an upper body). Aswang might breathe in blood biting directly. The appearance of aswang often comes in succession with the image of the bat. The apparition in the former colony also has the rumor that is the possibility of received the influence of an old suzerain, and thought to be an inflow from Europe actually. There is an influence of the vampire in this vampire's "Part" Europe and it will not be able to be negative. However, the rumor of the aswang appearance doesn't discontinue now. Though most is a fake.
Monday, November 14, 2005
ストリゴイ strigoi
ストリゴイ strigoi,romania
It is a kind of a general vampire in the country. There is a legend of the dead' taking the shape of this monster sometime and it causes harm to his(her) family. There is a region where a kind of convention about "strigoi" remains now. A similar story is spread also to China, and it is believed now.
オゴメ ogome
オドデさま odode_sama
影ワニ kage_wani
影ワニ kage_wani=shark that feeds on shadow,japan
This is a story told between fishermen. "SAME(=shark)" was called "WANI(=crocodile)" in Japan. The fisherman who went out to fishing by the boat sees shark's appearance at sea. Fisherman's shadow had expanded in the sea. The shark hold it in one's mouth, and drags it in to the sea with the fisherman's body. Or, the fisherman will die as soon as it did. This looks like the legend of general "shadow removing" well in Europe. The legend of "shadow removing" is handed down in various places in Japan.
This is a story told between fishermen. "SAME(=shark)" was called "WANI(=crocodile)" in Japan. The fisherman who went out to fishing by the boat sees shark's appearance at sea. Fisherman's shadow had expanded in the sea. The shark hold it in one's mouth, and drags it in to the sea with the fisherman's body. Or, the fisherman will die as soon as it did. This looks like the legend of general "shadow removing" well in Europe. The legend of "shadow removing" is handed down in various places in Japan.
大舌の怪物 Monster with large tongue
飛び物 tobi_mono
飛び物 tobi_mono = flying object,japan
This flying objects was reported in Edo period. "One like the cobweb" was flying over the sky,and disappeared when it was captured, and grasped. It seems to be the same as the one that is called "angel hair" in Europe. The larvas might pull the string as ecology of a kind of spider known well and they fly on the wind. There is a possibility of showing that.
This flying objects was reported in Edo period. "One like the cobweb" was flying over the sky,and disappeared when it was captured, and grasped. It seems to be the same as the one that is called "angel hair" in Europe. The larvas might pull the string as ecology of a kind of spider known well and they fly on the wind. There is a possibility of showing that.
女の生首 girl's head
女の生首 girl's head,japan
This is a very old story.One priest fell in love with a young city girl.However,he must go to train to the distance.She felt sorry awfully,and told the priest to carry her head cut off with you.
A strange rumor left in the training place of the priest.The voice that chats with the woman was heard when he finished training and returned to his room.One day,the woman's scream was heard from the priest's room when he was absent.People entered the room,and were looking for the "crying thing".There was a severed head of the encompassed beautiful girl in thrusting.There was haver one's eyes swollen with tears on eyes.The head melted,fell,and became a skull.The priest was dead in the destination.It was the same time as the date when the scream was heard.
This is a very old story.One priest fell in love with a young city girl.However,he must go to train to the distance.She felt sorry awfully,and told the priest to carry her head cut off with you.
A strange rumor left in the training place of the priest.The voice that chats with the woman was heard when he finished training and returned to his room.One day,the woman's scream was heard from the priest's room when he was absent.People entered the room,and were looking for the "crying thing".There was a severed head of the encompassed beautiful girl in thrusting.There was haver one's eyes swollen with tears on eyes.The head melted,fell,and became a skull.The priest was dead in the destination.It was the same time as the date when the scream was heard.
アツウイカクラ atsuuikakura
新宿老婆王 shinjuku_rouba_ou
Sunday, November 13, 2005
首齧り kubi_kajiri
覗坊 nozoki_bou
二本足 nihon_ashi
いが坊 iga_bou
胴ノ面 dou_no_tsura
山婦 yamaonna
山婦 yama_onna=woman in the mountain
This apparition is a woman of the mystery to live secretly in the mountain. Such a legend is a lot in Japan, and is assumed to be a monster who brutally harms the person. The person who is called on this name seems between the normal people who live nakedly if anything naturally. The one that comes out in document in Edo period.
Saturday, November 12, 2005
一本ダタラ ippondatara
一本ダタラ ippon_datara=one leg "datara"
This is a famous monster in japan.This monster appears in the place of specific,at night of a certain winter day, and attacks the person. The footprint will be left next morning and the row is left.Though looked like "Snow fairy",there is the idea it is someone of specific skill group (ironware production group) because "Tatara(Datara)" means the place of blacksmith's workshop.They were very valuable people in the old times,and sometime be hided."Step on" seem to step by one foot.
This is a famous monster in japan.This monster appears in the place of specific,at night of a certain winter day, and attacks the person. The footprint will be left next morning and the row is left.Though looked like "Snow fairy",there is the idea it is someone of specific skill group (ironware production group) because "Tatara(Datara)" means the place of blacksmith's workshop.They were very valuable people in the old times,and sometime be hided."Step on" seem to step by one foot.
ゴム男 rubberman
亀女 kame_onnna
悪魚 akugyo
永宝寺の虫 eihouji_no_mushi
Friday, November 11, 2005
大神社姫 daijinjahime
大神社姫 dai_jinja_hime = "Big Shrine's Princess" ,japan
This is a monster of 20 feet in the total length that appears in Echigo's coast. This is a sacred creature, and it is said that some prophecies are left and it leaves. The rumor of such "Prophesied Creature" became popular very much in the end in Edo period.
タンコロリン tankororin
Thursday, November 10, 2005
畳叩き the thing beating tatami
オイガカリ oigakari
百目塚 hill of hundreds eyes
百目塚 hyakume_duka = hill of hundreds eyes,japan
In Japan,the "hyaku_me" means "hundred eyes" is a popular monster(or a spirit).This hill was called the hill of "hyaku_me",and if someone put on one coin on this hill,he(she) will get hundred coins.But it was only the "story".One person he had put many money(certainly over one hundred) on the hill could not get more money,and angered,and breaked the hill.As soon as he falled sick.
くねくね kunekune
ケンムン kenmun
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
伊豆の妖獣 mysterious beast in IZU
伊豆の妖獣 mysterious beast in IZU,japan
This beast could change its body to human.It was living near a village in IZU district."He" went to one married woman and seduced her everynight.People in there doubted "him".One night the woman was discovered dead.Her face had been skined all.A few days ago,"he" came to the village again.All men in the village gathered around "him",and beated it together.It escaped from there.People chased it,and discovered it in a huge cave.It was being mortally wounded.They saw it,like Chimera(human face,beast body,and bird legs),and killed.It was about 10 feets long.
This beast could change its body to human.It was living near a village in IZU district."He" went to one married woman and seduced her everynight.People in there doubted "him".One night the woman was discovered dead.Her face had been skined all.A few days ago,"he" came to the village again.All men in the village gathered around "him",and beated it together.It escaped from there.People chased it,and discovered it in a huge cave.It was being mortally wounded.They saw it,like Chimera(human face,beast body,and bird legs),and killed.It was about 10 feets long.
夢魂 Will-o'-the-wisp in dream
夢魂 Will-o'-the-wisp in dream,japan
In Edo period,a woman's envy (sometimes a man's envy) made "yumedama" unconsciously."Yumedama" is "the soul outside of the body(not wraith) in dreaming".A certain man had an affair when on a business trip.The other party of fickleness envied his wife.She had dream one day,and saw his wife sitting in his house.She bit to the neck springing at the wife in dream.As his mother saw it and made noise,she left there,and awoke.Feelings bad in the mouth.He had the report that the wife died to be near at the dawn of the next day.He faced home at once. His mother said that the will-o'-the-wisp had been seen to enter his wife's room in last afternoon.At once,mother had heard her yell,and his mother ran into her room. She was falling there in blood-stained. Her neck had torn,and had been broken.Then he separated from the woman.There are some stories that look like.There was the story that two women who struggled for one man killed him by "yumedama",and both became nuns.
胎内17年 the woman who were pregnant for 17 years
胎内17年 the woman who were pregnant for 17 years,japan
In Edo period,the woman called "Sana" had gotten pregnant,but she could not give birth."It" had been brought up in her womb for many years,and studied speaking."It"talked to her "I hate it!" or "I want to travel somewhere Gods live in!" etc..She had been traveling everywhere shrines or temples in Japan.According to someone had had a talk with her,she was so embarrassed by "it".
地下の神楽 underground music
地下の神楽 underground music,japan
In Edo period,someone heard beautiful sounds from underground of a certain place in Edo city.It had sounded like a "kagura",means "the music for Gods".In Edo city,sometimes there had been sounded "kagura" or "ohayashi" from somewhere fields or woods or houses where no one lived in,and people wondered,and called the one of "nana_hushigi",means "the seven mysteries".
イッシャ issha
イッシャ issha,japan
They live in the island named "tokunoshima".They have the only one leg,and a tail like a corn.ISSHA always has a broken umbrella.Encounters will be pulled into the sea deeply,and die,but if he takes a corn in his hips,ISSHA recognize him ISSHA.If he ask ISSHA to go on a boat with him,ISSHA will nod.Everyone with ISSHA will have a good catch in the sea.But you should know that some ISSHA are lazybones.
They live in the island named "tokunoshima".They have the only one leg,and a tail like a corn.ISSHA always has a broken umbrella.Encounters will be pulled into the sea deeply,and die,but if he takes a corn in his hips,ISSHA recognize him ISSHA.If he ask ISSHA to go on a boat with him,ISSHA will nod.Everyone with ISSHA will have a good catch in the sea.But you should know that some ISSHA are lazybones.
とんぞう tonzou
とんぞう tonzou,japan
This is the monster living in the northeast country of Japan.Probably,he is the god of mountains.If you walk into the aria of TONZOU,TONZOU will come,and warn."Don't trespass on my aria!"He is very strong,that can snap a big trunk of oak.After comming TONZOU,you will be sick in bed for some days.
This is the monster living in the northeast country of Japan.Probably,he is the god of mountains.If you walk into the aria of TONZOU,TONZOU will come,and warn."Don't trespass on my aria!"He is very strong,that can snap a big trunk of oak.After comming TONZOU,you will be sick in bed for some days.
チュパカブラ chupacabra
お歯黒べったり female painting tooths all black
お歯黒べったり female painting tooths all black,japan
In Edo period,every married females had painted their tooths black,and cutted off their eyebrows.They also painted their faces with white powder.It seems to be much mysterious.You can see the face in the movie Kurosawa's Rashomon.White face female.Some older females could not marry became this monster.
枕がえし pillow mover
枕がえしmakura gaeshi = pillow mover,japan
This spirit move a pillow under legs during a person sleeping.Only this is the spirit's power.Sometimes you will hear the story of "makuragarshi no ma" in Japanese temples.The room of the "makuragaeshi",that means,everyone slept in the room must experience "pillow lost".The pillow will under your legs,or your body will be turned.In some places,have makuragaeshi stories,the buddist altar exists,and only if you wish to sleep with your legs to the altar,makuragaeshi will come and your body will be turned,or have nightmares whole of the night.
蟹になるアサリ crabbed clam
蟹になるアサリ crabbed clam,japan
In Edo period,Japanese people believed that everything have a power changing their form to the other creature.This creature is a small clam,an usual eatable clam in Japan,but some can become a crab.This is a changing form,and then this creature become a complete crab.Shells are moved out.
In Edo period,Japanese people believed that everything have a power changing their form to the other creature.This creature is a small clam,an usual eatable clam in Japan,but some can become a crab.This is a changing form,and then this creature become a complete crab.Shells are moved out.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
塗り壁 painted wall
産女 woman with a baby
産女,ubume = woman with a baby,japan(southeast asia)
This is a very populer ghost in Japan.She has been dead bearing a baby.She talks to a man in a road midnight,"Please hold my child in your arms."A man hold her baby,and she is gone,and her child become very heavy,and the man cannot move there.Sometimes a baby becomes a heavy stone,but that will be "fox trick".Her lower body is bloody,and the baby is same.
This is a very populer ghost in Japan.She has been dead bearing a baby.She talks to a man in a road midnight,"Please hold my child in your arms."A man hold her baby,and she is gone,and her child become very heavy,and the man cannot move there.Sometimes a baby becomes a heavy stone,but that will be "fox trick".Her lower body is bloody,and the baby is same.
天女 sky woman
河童 river children
牛鬼 cow monster
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